How to control maximum value for an expression in NX?
For e.g.
There is an expression X = 25mm.
And I would like to predefine the maximum value that users can set for X is 30mm.
How can I set that?
For this case, the user can add a check to validate the values of expressions.
The steps:
- Right click on expression X in Expressions dialog->Add a check
- Click New Requirement
- Enter any name for the requirement
- Select "Definition Method" to "Single Sided Comparison"
- Set <= 30
- Now if the user enters any value greater than 30, it will be indicated as 'Check Result= Failed" in Expression dialog
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V1953
Ref: 002-8529839