What are the roles needed for Asset Manager MindConnect Module Plugin like Nano, MindConnect LIB, MindConnect IoT 2040 etc?
In order to enable access to the MindConnect plugins such as MindConnect Nano, MindConnect LIB, MindConnect IoT 2040 etc when using a core app role, you need to assign the respective plugin role. The standard roles already contain the plugin roles. If you do not assign any plugin role you will not be able to see plugins in the Asset Manager user interface.
MindConnect Nano plugin: mdsp:core:uipluginassetmanagermcnano.admin
MindConnect LIB: mdsp:core:uipluginassetmanagermclib.admin
MindConnect IoT 2040 : mdsp:core:uipluginassetmanagermciot2040.admin
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