Check-Mate window does not activate even if "View Check-Mate Result" function executes.




Even if "View Check-Mate Results" or "Execute Current Tests"  executes, the result window does not come up and the result cannot be confirmed.

Steps to reproduce:
1. open any part and put a box solid.
2. go to "HD3D Tools" tab and "Execute Check-Mate Tests" with any chosen checkers such as "Examine Geometry".
*** You should find the result of passed/failed.
3. go to PNT or other tabs.
4. "Tools" > "View Check-Mate Results".
*** The window will not be activated and you cannot see any result.
5. "Tools" > "Execute Current Tests".
***It's the same as well(, but In graphic window shows the result of Failed.)

KB Article ID# PL8528343



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