Japanese notes are not displayed and are blank when publishing 3D PDF from NX in Japanese environment
When we export TDP file in Japanese NX, text in certain fonts contained in TDP template files is not displayed. Text created with the following fonts cannot be displayed and are blank. - MS Mincho - MS Gothic - Yu Mincho - Yu Gothic - Meiryo The above fonts have been confirmed here, but other fonts may also have this problem. need fix so that the text is displayed correctly when exporting to TDP.
Step to reproduce: 1.Prepare for a template part like below.(It can be reproduced just to put a note like "テスト") 2.Open a new part > go to PMI and Publish with the newly created template( Turn on "Open Published PDF")
3.(3D PDF generated should be opened. You can see blanked text like below.)*** Compare the result of NX1926 and NX1953 each other, NX1926 has the problem.
The issue has already been fixed in NX1953.
Work Around: The issue is only on UGII_LANG=japanese setting. Therefore, it works around by "English" setting.
set UGII_LANG=english > start NX > PMI Publish function
Notes and References
The issue occurs on NX1926 Series or before.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: NX Application: TECH_DATA_PKG Version: V1926 Function: PUBLISH