For Solid Edge ST10 MP3 and later versions, use the following instructions to set up the SEEC debug logging.
Set logging level
On the Solid Edge client you can enable the SEEC logging level. By default this is switched-off, so in case of a problem investigation you need to enable this first before reproducing the issue.
Start the application launcher "Choose PDM Integration".
Run the Diagnostics tool.
Set Logging level to "Debug" and Apply.
Start Solid Edge, login, and clear the SEEC cache.
Run your test scenario with a minimum of steps, and document every step performed ("Steps to Reproduce").
When finished, close Solid Edge.
Do not forget to set logging level to "performance" when finished!
Gathering information
On the Solid Edge client collect the following data:
The TAL-log files (folder with latest date/time stamp); this should contain a .pjl and some .xml files. For ST10, located in %appdata%\Unigraphics Solutions\Solid Edge\Version xxx\Log Files
The complete SEEC Cache of the test session. For ST10, located in %appdata%\Unigraphics Solutions\Solid Edge\SEEC
On the server (4-Tier)
The .syslog and .comlog files (same date/time stamp as TAL-log files). Files are located in %temp% (tip: sort on "date modified")
If you are not sure what the correct .syslog is you can edit the TALLOG xml and in the top (or search on "syslogfile") of this log file you can find the sequence number of the associated comlog.
Solid Edge 2019
In SE 2019 and later the log files can be found under: