How to modify a Composite2 ID for a Solid Edge Subscription License ?





You have bought a Subscription License for Solid Edge 2019. 

Now for whatever reason you need to upgrade to Solid Edge 2021 and you need a new License.


Some hardware needs to be replaced on your Sold Edge machine.  Consequently, the Composite Host ID that contains hardware characteristics changes also.

In that case you will need a new license file, because the old license file does not work.

The Siemens CAA ( Customer Account Analyst) will be unable to help, because Subscription licenses are not archived in their database and so the license file cannot be updated.


The solution is the Activation Code.

This code has been sent to you via an email after registration and is needed to generate a license file on the Solid Edge machine.

All that  needs to be done, is to start the Solid Edge License Utility as Administrator from

Start>Solid Edge 2021> License Utility, and you will see the following:

Select the option " I have an Activation Code" and enter the Activation Code in the designated field.

Also enter a String as Machine description (most likely the name of your machine)

After that a new License with the modified Composite2 ID will automatically be generated in the Preferences directory of Solid Edge 2021 -  the license will have the Name "SELicense.lic"

If, for whatever reason the Activation Code cannot be found, you can open a new Support Case in Support Center, citing the email address that you used for the registration of Solid Edge.

Most likely the email will be identical to your Webkey account for Support Center.

The Support engineer will then be able to forward the Activation Code to you.

Please note, that you cannot use the Activation Code more than twice within 60 days.


If you have further inquiries about Node Locked Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Node Locked License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8525315



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