Which Teamcenter maintenance utilities should be scheduled frequently?
Scheduled maintenance for Teamcenter servers
Run the following maintenance utilities on Teamcenter servers as scheduled for daily, weekly, or monthly frequency.
To maximize system up-time, set the weekly maintenance window for Teamcenter servers and applications to a particular day and time each week. Changes that require taking the system off-line, such as service account password reset, certificate renewal, and database re-indexing, should be done during this window. Any change outside the maintenance window that requires taking the system off-line should require business and production manager approval.
Clears dead process locks from the database. Dead process locks typically occur when a Teamcenter session terminates abnormally. Process locks are set on an object when it is being modified or deleted. If a Teamcenter session does not terminate gracefully (by logging off), these locks can remain in place.
Repairs corrupted datasets and removes orphaned revision anchors. Run during off-hours. A dataset is identified as corrupt if any of the following are found:
The dataset has no reference to an imanFile object.
The dataset has a reference to an imanFile corresponding operating system file that does not exist and the dataset is not archived.
The dataset is an orphan (that is, the dataset refers to the anchor, but the anchor does not go to the dataset).
The anchor refers to datasets that do not exist.
The anchor size is 0.
Detects missing indexes and describes how to create the indexes.
Removes old dataset versions from Teamcenter database. Normally,Teamcenter keeps a fixed limit of dataset versions in the database that is controlled by the AE_dataset_default_keep_limit preference. The purge_datasets utility can be run during normal working hours, with users logged on to the system, and can process approximately 500 anchors per hour. A listing is produced that shows each dataset purged, along with the owning user and group.
Reports or deletes invalid and expired subscription objects.
Unlocks files left behind in the Teamcenter volume after associated Teamcenter objects are deleted, so that the files can be deleted from the volume.
Files are left behind if, during a Teamcenter session, a user deletes an object, but does not have the necessary privileges at the operating system level in the Teamcenter volume to delete the associated file.
Reports on the available volumes as part of general housekeeping. Use this utility to create a checklist of volumes for the users. The path does not include the network node name.
Generates a report file describing volume usage by various groups and users, as well as any unreferenced operating system files, missing operating system files, and unreferenced Teamcenter files. Unreferenced operating system files can be deleted at the time a report file is generated or at a later time using a previously generated report file as an input. The report file format is plain text (ASCII) and can be manually edited to not delete certain files. Simply remove any file names that you do not want to delete before using the report file as input. You can also save any deleted files to a ZIP format compressed file.
Finds all corrupted Change Admin (CM) tasks, jobs, and other associated internal task model objects in order to delete them from the database. If a corrupted object, such as a job, is referenced in a folder, the reference is removed and the job is deleted
Searches the database for audit log records based on input criteria. Once it finds the records to archive, it processes the archive. If the -delete_record argument is specified, the utility deletes the audit log records. Audit log entries with an audit definition with a day value of -l are not archived because -l indicates that the log record is permanent.
Locates and removes all recipe objects resulting from time-out sessions and client crashes.
Teamcenter recipe objects are used to facilitate transparent recovery when a TcServer instance crashes. Typically, recipe objects are deleted when users log off. But during client crashes or session time-outs, recipe objects may remain in the database if the session or objects are not recovered.
See documentation for details.