When "Publish Technical Data Package" is executed on Japanese environment, PMIs of all views are mixed and displayed.




After publish 3D PDF with "Publish Technical Data Package" function, when the published file is opened with Acrobat Reader or etc., all the PMIs existing in the selected views are mixed and displayed together in one viewport area. The orientation of the view displayed in the viewport area is not any of the selected target views, but the direction close to "Trimetric" model view. The problem occurs in case of Japanese model view name has been used.

NX Version where the problem occurs:
NX1847 - NX1926

Reproduced Step:
1. "File" > "Export" > "Publish Technical Data Package"
2. "Templates" - "Method", select "3D PDF" from pulldown list
3. Select one template which "View Port" has been defined from the template list, such as "A4 - Part-Portrait"
4. "Model Views" - "Include", select "Selected Views" from the pulldown list
5. "Model Views" - "Select Object", select multiple model views with Japanese name which has had any PMI, in PNT
6. Press "OK" and finish the function
7. Open the PDF published with Acrobat Reader

There are 2 model views with Japanese name as below.

When publish and open, the problem occurs.


Work Around:
- when publishing TDP, don't use and select the views with Japanese.
- After publish 3D PDF, explicitly select the view you want to see from the preview list.

The problem is fixed in NX1953.

Notes and References

The condition to be reproduced:
When Japanese name is used in all model views which are selected as "Published Technical Data Package".

- If in case of there is one English name at least in the model view to be output, no problem occurs.
- View names defined by NX as defaults (top, bottom, front, etc.) are out of scope and no problem occurs if they are used as TDP.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: TECH_DATA_PKG
Version: V1926
Function: PUBLISH

Ref: 002-8523938

KB Article ID# PL8523938



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