Select a dataset for migration and execute the command "Migrate to NX" from the CMM menu, but nothing happend.
The CMM interface doesn't come up.
No error message.
The CMM interface failed to start because dynamic port assignment was disabled on this server.
Instead to enable dynamic port assignment you can set a fixed port number, please follow steps to set a fixed port for CMM:
Edit file "cmmOptions.xml" and give a fixed port number, i.e "3115" similar as below:
<Option application="Eng;Ent" default="" isVisible="false" name="Registry Port" type="string" unique="RegistryPort" value="3115"/>
Notes and References
Selete the following file to be regenerated with the new values.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1909
Product: NX
Application: CMM
Version: V1926
Function: IDEAS
Ref: 001-9953573