How to disable the SIMIT MCD Add-in once installed with SIMIT 10.2?
How to remove the SIMIT toolbar (ribbon) ? When you install SIMIT Plug-in / SIMIT Add-in via SIMIT 10.2 installer, then the simit-installer will edit following file in the NX installation (the path and version may differ):
The SIMIT 10.2 installer adds 2 lines in custom_dirs.dat similar to:
# This will enable the "Simit" toolbar and will open a communication channel for Simit to connect to the MCD C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\Automation\SIMIT\SIMIT MCD
Removing (or commenting) these lines will disable the SIMIT Add-in.
1) Check which custom_dirs.dat is exactly used in your NX-session via the NX-logfile:
File --> Help -->NX logfile... and find similar line:
2) Open in (e.g.) notepad your customer_dirs.dat and remove (or comment) lines:
# This will enable the "Simit" toolbar and will open a communication channel for Simit to connect to the MCD C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\Automation\SIMIT\SIMIT MCD
3) Alternative is to set an environment variable to point to a different customer_dirs.dat, e.g.: