Are Maintenance Packs available for Technical Publications for Solid Edge?
In Support Center looking for downloads for Technical Publications, one can see that there are two downloads available:
Is the Solid_Edge_TechPublications_2021_007.exe a Maintenance Pack for Technical Publications that can be installed on top of an existing one, or is it a complete new version ?
One can see that the file sizes appear very similar and that implies that the second download is a complete version and not a Maintenance Pack, such as the ones that exist for Solid Edge.
When trying to install Solid_Edge_TechPublications_2021_007.exe on top of Solid_Edge_TechPublications_2021.exe - as one would do for a Solid Edge Maintenance Pack - there appears the following message:
This shows, that both downloads in Support Center are in fact complete independent versions of Technical Publications.
Therefore, if a customer needs to upgrade to a newer version, they have to uninstall the existing version first.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: n/a Product: SOLID_EDGE Application: TECH_PUB Version: V221.0 Function: 3D_PUBLISHING