NX Mapping Release status from the ItemRevision

NX for Design



How to map the release status to the UGPART drawing specification. 
Once this attribute is mapped to the drawing, it can be used as a note on the drawing title block.


1. Export your Teamcenter mapping file. 
    a. Open a Teamcenter command prompt. 
    b. Type: export_attr_mappings -u=infodba -p=<password> -g=dba -file=C:\user\mapping.txt 
        NOTE: Specify your own infodba password and specify a path for the mapping file that fits your folders. 
2. Edit the mapping.txt in a text editor. 
    a. Under UGPART, add the following mapping: 
        NOTE: That you would enter the ItemType of the data being mapped. This example is mapping to the OOTB "Item" ItemType.

{ Dataset type="UGPART" 
 # (hard-wired) DB_DATASET_ID : "Part File ID" 
 # (hard-wired) DB_DATASET_REV : "Part File Rev" 
{Item type="Item" 
RELEASE_STATUS_NAME : ItemRevision.last_release_status.name /allow_null_value /master=iman /description="Release Status Name" 


3. Save the mapping file. 
4. Import the modified mapping file back into Teamcenter. 
    a. Open a Teamcenter command prompt. 
    b. Type: import_attr_mappings -u=infodba -p=<password> -g=dba -file=C:\user\mapping.txt 
        NOTE: Specify your own infodba password and specify a path for the file that fits your folders.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1926

Ref: 001-9945865

KB Article ID# PL8521331



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX