The customer has ordered a Subscription License and works with the current version of Solid Edge.
Because they work with a supplier who also uses Solid Edge - but an older version - the customer needs to downgrade to the older version also.
Since the customer is already running Solid Edge 2021 and needs to use Solid Edge 2019 as his supplier does, they cannot use the current License, because that License supports only Solid Edge 2020 and 2021. As you may know, since Solid Edge 2020 the software uses Common Licensing and the ugslmd vendor demon and not the selmd demon.
So how can they get the old license now?
A Subscription customer always gets an Activation Code to generate their Subscription License.
This License will automatically be generated and depends on the version that is installed on the machine that shall be licensed.
So the easiest way is to install the Solid Edge product version that is needed e.g. Solid Edge 2019.
After that the customer starts the Solid Edge License Utility and chooses the option I have an Activation Code:
They then enter the Activation code plus a string to identify the Machine where Solid Edge is installed, and then the License will be created automatically. Of course the Activation Code can only be used for versions of Solid Edge where this option is available - which started with Solid Edge ST6.
NotesIf you have further inquiries about Node Locked Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:
Solid Edge Node Locked License FAQs Collection