Solid Edge
Icon visualization issues with 4K Monitor
Using a laptop to work with Solid Edge, equipped with a second 4K monitor, the size of the icons is not adjustable with the Windows settings for text, it is necessary to change the Scale and resolution resolution setting.
When this resolution is changed and you notice how the other Windows application e.g. Word) are resized and the icons become more easily visible, in Solid Edge the icons always remain particularly small and particularly difficult to distinguish
Microsoft recommends that for best results, if the DPI setting is modified, the user should restart the box.
If after restarting the box, the issue persists, the user can try to influence how the operating system scales Solid Edge by adding a debug registry switch named "DPIAwarenessContext" that should be a DWORD. Our default awareness context used by the OS is "per monitor aware". The user can change that to "system aware" by setting the registry entry value to "2":