JT2Go cannot open files created in Solid Edge 2021 and an error message is displayed:
The PLMXML document could not be loaded!
The current version of JT2Go does not have the latest PLMXML adapter required for reading Solid Edge 2021 files. This is because JT2Go was released BEFORE Solid Edge 2021. Hence you will get a PLMXML error when opening Solid Edge 2021 files:
In order to overcome this you will need to install the latest PLMXML adapter for SE2021 in to the JT2Go program files.
From Support Center locate and download the Solid Edge 2021 PLMXML files:
From the downloaded zip file extract the plmxmlAdapterSE70.dll file and replace the existing file in the "C:\Program Files\Siemens\JT2Go\Program" folder. You may want to back up the original plmxmlAdapterSE70.dll first:
Now JT2Go will read Solid Edge 2021 files without issue: