Import associated files from NX CAM in Teamcenter




How do I import associated files into Teamcenter?

For example after postprocessing a CAM operation in NX and generating a ptp file maybe you want to import the associated files  generated into Teamcenter. 


In order to import associated files into Teamcenter there is a customer default setting that controls it.

You can find it under:

File-->Utilities-->Customer defaults-->Teamcenter Integration-->General

This setting will activate the popup menu in NX when saving the item, allowing you to choose if you want to import the associated files and which one do you want to import.

In this case a ptp file created in NX CAM after postprocessing a toolpath.

So, after importing the ptp file, you'll find it under named references under the UGMaster of the item in Teamcenter

Once the setting in customer defaults is activated, the popup menu allowing to import associated files cannot be deactivated for an specific Item (local preference does not exist), so everytime you create a new associated file and save the part the popup will appear.

The only way to deactivate it is going the temp folder of your NX installation , find the folder with the name of your item type and deleted associated files in the folder to avoid the fact of being identified as import.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V1930
Function: TC_MFG

Ref: 002-8517775

KB Article ID# PL8517775



Associated Components