Importing a part that contains double quotes for an Inch value raises a token error
NX for Design
When attempting to import an assembly into teamcenter using a clone log file raises the following alert; "A token was found in a log file which is unknown or not valid at that point. on line number ##" The line number noted in the alert is for the Part Name and it contains double quote for an Inch value in the part name. In this example line 31 has the invalid token, which is the double quote for the inch value. How to make the import ignore the 2nd double quote in the string but still use it in the part name??..
To allow the double quotes to be valid, open the clone log file in an editor and add a "\" backslash before the 2nd double quote ("1/2\" Hex Head"), then save the clone log file. Import the part into teamcenter using the log file will now allow the part to be imported;
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all OS: n/a OS Version: n/a Product: NX Application: NXMANAGER Version: V10.0.3 Function: CLONE_IMPORT