While troubleshooting a SEEC problem, in addition to Tal Logs, you are asked to get SEPJL logs (i.e. SEPJL_20200824125602.pjl), but you need to know what setting controls the output of these files.
The output of SEPJL.pjl files is controlled by the following registry:
For example, in Solid Edge 2020,
1. Run regedit.
2. Go to 'Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 220\DEBUG'.
3. Right Mouse on the DEBUG registry pane, select 'New-> DWORD (32-bit) value', change the Name to TAL_ENABLE_PJL_LOGGING and set it to 1. Now the TALLog folders in ''\AppData\Roaming\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 220\Log Files\" will also contain the SEPJL files as you do work in Solid Edge.
Please note that this registry is not created by the SEEC Diagnostic tool.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1909
Version: V220.0
Function: SEEC
Ref: 002-8514457