NX NX registry setting for installed applications

NX for Design



When trying to configure NX Startup for example in bat files like start_nxmanager.bat
with ugs_router you may find that numbers used from registry
have changed starting NX 1899 Series

excerpt from start_nxmanager.bat:

rem Start Unigraphics through the launcher program
start "Teamcenter Integration for NX" /B %UGII_ROOT_DIR%\ugs_router -ugm -enable_cancel
-version=V28.0 %*


Up to NX 1872, we would use numbers like:

Unigraphics V28.0 = NX10 
Unigraphics V29.0 = NX11 
Unigraphics V30.0 = NX12
Unigraphics V31.0 = NX1847
Unigraphics V32.0 = NX1872

Now we are using the Continuous Release Numbers:

Unigraphics V1899 = NX1899
Unigraphics V1926 = NX1926

ugs_router command line example:

D:\apps\PLM_x64\NX1903\NXBIN\ugraf.exe "-pim=yes" "-version=V1899" "-nl=en_US" "-http_url=...

This information can be found anyhow in the registry

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Unigraphics Solutions\Installed Applications

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1847
Function: FILE_OPEN

Ref: 002-8513954

KB Article ID# PL8513954



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX