Leader stub of PMI FCF differs in drafting scaled views
NX for Design
The PMIs do not honour the same alignment as in modeling when placed in drafting with any scale other than 1:1. ------------------------------------------------- Steps 1. Add a feature control frame(or a note) in any modeling view 2. Go to drafting 3. Add the same view in drafting with any scale other than 1:1 ( e.g. 1:2 ) 4. You will notice that the alignment of FCF is disturbed.
This is a current designed behaviour. The reason behind this is that we do not have mechanism to scale the origin based on the view scale.
For example the model PMI has text height 3.5 as shown below And in (0.5) scaled view, the size of the text height is 3.5 * (1 / 0.5) = 7 to match the display. So, the bounding box is changed. Hence the leader stub differs.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: NX Application: PMI Version: V1867 Function: DIMENSION