What are the browser requirements for the MESPortal in eMES version 9?
Execution version 9
In eMES version 9 only Internet Explorer is supported in compatibility mode. The web server name must be listed in the Trusted Sites. The Web application is called MES.
Execution version 10 and 11
Since eMES Execution version 10 and 11 the browser supports Internet Explorer, Chrome and Fire Fox. The Internet Explorer compatibility mode is no longer required, the WEB Server must be listed in the Trusted Sites of the IE configuration. The Web application is now called MESMortal by default.
The following pages of the MESPortal are only running in Internet Explorer as they are using ActiveX components that are only supported by the Internet Explorer, or in Chrome by using the Addon IE Tab extension:
- Material Manager - Resources
- Material Manager - Orders
- Material Manager - Terminal
- Quality - Production - Production Client when a session is started.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1803
Application: EXECUTION
Version: V10.0
Function: QUALITY
Ref: 001-8452668