A customer wants to configure the Solid Edge CAM Pro session that is started via the 'CAM Pro' command in Solid Edge and therefore asks for the batch file that is used during this process.
The Solid Edge command 'Tools > Environs > CAM Pro' uses the following batch file.
file: se_nxcam.bat
This batch file contains the following command lines by default:
cd /d %ugii_base_dir%\NXBIN
ugs_router.exe -ug -passthrough %1
Notes and References
Search for 'ugs_router options' in NX Help to get a list of the available options with its descriptions.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Application: SE_CAM_PRO
Version: V220.0
Function: OPEN_FROM_SE
Ref: 002-8512671