Excel links in Variable Table not working when using different languages for Excel
If a company has offices based in different countries and is using different languages for Excel, then when creating links to the Variable Table in Solid Edge, those links then do not translate across the Excel language in use and results in the links to the Variable Tables not working nor updating.
How to overcome this Excel specific language limitation such that links to Excel in the Solid Edge Variable Table will work consistently across any language of Excel?
If Excel is used to link to the Solid Edge Variable Table by default Solid Edge will use the Excel Row and Column nomenclature or "Relative Notation" as it is known. For more on relative notation:
For example in English the nomenclature for the relative notation is R = row and C = column e.g. R1C2, R2C2, etc. The same Excel file opened in to a different language of Excel will then display the relative notation specific to that language. For example in German that nomenclature is Z = row where the German for row is Zeile is and S = column where the German for column is e Spalte e.g. Z1S2, Z2YS, etc. When creating the links to the Excel in Solid Edge, Solid Edge will explicitly record the links as being to the language specific relative notation for the row and column. Whenever the Excel file is then loaded in to a different language of Excel that linking to Solid Edge then will not work/update as Solid Edge does not automatically update/convert the Excel row and column relative notation to match the Excel language i.e. links in Solid Edge to the English Excel R1C2 will then not update to the equivalent German Excel Z1S2. However, there is a way to overcome this Excel language limitation of Solid Edge linking by using explicit cell naming.
In Excel select the cell to name and then click into the Name Box and manually enter a name for the cell thereby replacing the reference notation nomenclature. Then in the Solid Edge Variable Table copy and paste the link again from our now named cell in Excel. Repeat this workflow for every cell in Excel to be linked in Solid Edge.
Now the Solid Edge variables will remain linked to the Excel cells regardless of which language Excel is opened in.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: SOLID_EDGE Application: PART/SHEETMETAL Version: V221.0 Function: TOOLS