NX What is the difference between ON and OFF of "Output Exact Geometry"?

NX for Design



What is the difference between ON and OFF of "Output Exact Geometry"?


An ideal vertex is a point in the literal sense which has 0 radius. To simulate real-world scenarios, we need to account for tolerant geometry. Vertex tolerance is basically a sphere of the radius of a given value (typically in mm) centered at the location of the vertex where the vertex influences the other geometries.
Coming back to TrimSheet, we have a tolerance input box in the TrimSheet UI. That box gets deactivated on checking the option OutputExactGeometry (OEG)and becomes active only if we uncheck the OutputExactGeometry checkbox. For the sake of explanation, you may use a simple rectangular sheet body with a trimmingboundary that has a slight gap in between. This is where tolerance comes in to the picture. Because of the gap, the OutputExactGeometry option doesn't work. And on the other hand, bumping the tolerance value will result in a valid TrimSheet feature. 
1.       OutputExactGeometry ON means there will be no tolerant vertices present in the output feature and vice-versa.
2.       OutputExactGeometry can be used when the user wants an exact model. This is a stricter condition where the TrimSheet feature may not get created if there are some gaps present in the model. By making OutputExactGeometry OFF, we are allowing room for more margin, so that the TrimSheet algorithm gives a better chance of creating a valid feature

Notes and References


Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V11.0.2

Ref: 002-8510595

KB Article ID# PL8510595



Associated Components
