How can you display Mass from kg to gram in drafting Tabular Note?
How can you display Mass from kg to gram in drafting Tabular Note?
Refer below steps to display Mass from kg to gram in drafting Tabular Note.
1. Check Mass value from Part properties. Note: Mass value is changing as per the assign material.
2. Part Properties Mass displayed in Kg unit. we can change Unit from this property dialog box as kg to gram in modeling. Note: If we changed Unit from kg to gram no need to evaluate Cell as Formula in Tabular Note to change Unit from kg to gram.
To display Modeling weight in drafting:-
3.Select Tabular Note Cell >MB3> Edit Text. 4.Set Category as Relationship>Insert Part Attribute>Select [Masspropmass]. 5.Mass displayed in Tabular Note Cell having same unit as Modeling [Kg/gram].
In this below image Mass in kg.
6.To display it in gram add [*1000] after mass attribute as shown in image>OK.
7.Select Cell>MB3>Check ON [Evaluate Cell as Formula].
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: NX Application: DRAFTING Version: V1872 Function: TABLES