How can I add the buyer role to users?




If a user wants to purchase an upgrade for the tenant, they must be assigned the buyer role. 

If no user has the buyer role assigned, then any user attempting to purchase an upgrade will receive a message "No Buyer entitled for this tenant". If a tenant admin attempts to add the buyer role to them self or other users, they might not see the buyer role in the settings application. Then they should follow the instructions below. 


To assign the buyer role to a user you first must edit the role assignment of your tenant. Here are the steps to proceed: 

  1. Open the Settings app on your MindSphere Dashboard.
    1. Click on Roles.
      1. Search for the "buyer" role. If it is found in the list, assign users to the role that can purchase upgrades. If it's not found in the list proceed to the next section.

        If you do not see the buyer role in the roles list: 

        1. Click on the gearwheel above the filter search field on the top middle-left side of your screen.
          1. Search the buyer role (mdsp:core:platformpurchaseapp) in the roles configuration dialog box and check the box for the buyer role.
            1. Click next and then save to add the buyer role to the roles list.
              1. Now you can follow the instructions above to assign users to the role.


                Settings application documentation.

                User rights in the upgrade application.

                KB Article ID# PL8508592



                Associated Components