A new Post Configurator post processor was developed for NX11.0.2 running on Windows 10. When this post was moved to another NX11.0.2 installation running under Windows 7, the post will not run. NX reports errors in the log file:
User message: File lib_general ...MACH\resource\library\machine\installed_machines\machine_name\postprocessor\sinumerik\Libraries\lib_general.tbc: The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version -- couldn't load library "...MACH\resource\post_configurator\post_template\bin\tbcload17.dll": No error not loadable in section
************* MOM: TCL SCRIPT ABORT *************
User abort message: File lib_general ...MACH\resource\library\machine\installed_machines\machine_name\postprocessor\sinumerik\Libraries\lib_general.tbc: The TclPro ByteCode Loader is not available or does not support the correct version -- couldn't load library "...MACH\resource\post_configurator\post_template\bin\tbcload17.dll": No error not loadable in section
*** EXCEPTION: Error code 1770001 in line 1411 of D:\workdir\reference\NX1102_7\src\camsmom\no\ind\mom_tcl_definitions.c at Tue Jun 02 13:00:56 2020 Eastern Daylight Time
+++ TCL error returned when evaluating file ...MACH\resource\library\machine\installed_machines\machine_name\postprocessor\sinumerik\custom_filename.tcl
This is related to a missing vc redist package on the Windows 7 system. Due to the end of support for Windows 7 from Microsoft, backwards compatibility from Windows 10 to Windows 7 has not been validated.
The tbcload, which is a third party file from ActiveState, is compiled with a newer version out of security reasons. This means if the post is developed on Windows 10, there are no issues because the vc redist files are the newer ones. By default, Windows 7 has the old package which is not supported by the newer tbcload version.
The Windows 7 system needs to update the "x64 vc redist" package from Microsoft download site: