Submitting a Insights Hub Support Case - important fields to enter




You are new to Support Center and need assistance from the Insights Hub Technical Support team, this article will briefly outline how you get a case started with our team.


To get started, you can initiate the process through any of the following:

  • From the Support Center homepage, clicking "New Support Case" button from the Support Cases area
    • From the Support Center homepage, clicking "Need help with a Product" button at the bottom of the home page
      • From the Insights Hub Product Center, clicking "Need help with a Product" button at the bottom of the Product Center page

        After clicking one of these options, you will be asked to enter your Product (Insights Hub), version number (always will be "Current"), and then a brief description and keywords to search for a solution.  Review the options presented as there might already be a fix available for your specific issue.  If not, click "Let's open a Support Case"

        On the next screen, make note of the following:

        • Customer Site ID - choose the sold to ID / install ID associated with your Insights Hub environment.  For internal Siemens employees type in your sold to ID or your customer's sold to ID as appropriate.
          • Sub-product / Component - choose the product area you are working with
            • Environment - This deals with your Insights Hub environment and should either be AWS for public cloud customers or 'Private Cloud' for local private cloud customers.
              • Fill out description, priority, file attachments, and other fields as noted. Please make sure you include all relevant background information so that your case gets treated appropriately (e.g. if a specific error is having significant impact to a project timeline). 

                Click "Open this Support Case."  You will be assigned a case number, an initial email notification with that new case, and it will now be tracked via your own Support Cases from the Support Center homepage.



                KB Article ID# PL8507158



                Associated Components