Engraving 3D Text in CAM




There are two different ways to create letter and number geometry in NX . Both of these type of entities could be used to create an engraving operation in CAM . The first is entitled Note and the second Text . Note geometry can only be created in straight lines and on a single plane. In contrast, the Text geometry can be created on sculptured faces and can follow along irregular curves. This article will show the steps needed to create engraving operations on a 3D face using Text geometry.


1.     The geometry is created by running Geometry -> Curve -> Text .

2.     In this example we will select the On Face and the Curves on Face settings in order to wrap the text around a spherical face.

3.     To create single stroke characters select Text Properties (Pane) -> Font -> Modern . When engraving on a curved face the designer might find it helpful to select Settings (Pane) -> Project Curves . This setting causes the text to be projected on to the selected face which can help to refine the appearance of the characters.

4.     The text geometry might look something like the picture below when completed.

5.     The text geometry that is created will be positioned on the surface of the face. A negative stock value will be entered in the operation in order to cut into the face. To cut using negative stock will require that the tool be created with a (A) Tip Angle and a (R1) Lower Radius . NX will not create the path unless this radius value is larger than the depth of the letters. As an example, if the Stock value is set to -.5MM than the Lower Radius will need to be no less than .5MM.

6.     A Fixed or Variable Contour operation is created and the Drive Method is set to Curve/Point .

7.     The Drive Geometry can be selected in one of two ways. The quickest way is to set the Curve Rule on the Selection Bar to Feature Curves .

8.     When the text is selected all of the geometry is included in a single Drive Set . A retract move will automatically be added between each drive curve. The one disadvantage to using this selection method is that the order that the letters are cut cannot be controlled. The characters will be cut in a random order.

9.      If the order that the letters are cut is important than every stroke of each character will need to be selected one by one. This can be done by setting the Curve Rule to Single Curve before selecting.

10.   After selecting each curve be sure to press Add New Set . If this is not done NX will not retract the tool when moving from one curve to the next. The List window will be populated with a Drive Set for each entity.

11.  Strategy -> Multiple Passes -> Multi-Depth Cut can be used to add cut levels.



KB Article ID# PL8506972



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