We create JT data on monopart level (i.c.w. Teamcenter), and not on assembly level because this isn't necessary in hardly any situation. When applying the deformable parts functionality in NX, this approach gives us troubles. JT isn't created of the deformed part, but only of the none deformed part. The question would also be on what level the JT data should be created. Is there a way, or multiple ways, to make this work?
A deformable part can be used and deformed within many assemblies. Since any of the assemblies may require a different shape for the deformable part the information about the used deformation is saved into the assembly.
When saving an assembly containing a deformable part, the user is asked at which assembly level wants to save the deformation. This is done by showing up the window "Deform component"
So when using the same deformable part in many assemblies, each of the assemblies has inside itself the information of the deformation.
Teamcenter works about in the same way.
The jt of an undeformed part is a dataset attached to the item revision of the component itself.
When visualizing the single component, not inserted into an assembly, this is the jt that is shown.
When the assembly is loaded in the "Structure Manager" then a different jt is collected to show the deformable part.
There can be as many jts as many assemblies use that component. They correspond to each deformation of the original component has been stored in the assemblies the component belongs to.
These jts are not belonging to an item or item revision, but are belonging to the BOM Line and they are attached as Absolute Occurence Data.
They cannot be visualized into MyTeamcenter as an attachment to the item revision, not even inside a BOM.
The item, item revision or BOM of the assembly do not contain jt
The way you can see the jt of each deformed shape is to make a search for Datasets having the same name as the assembly they refer to.
The management of the jts representing the deformed shapes is completely automatic and it is done from Teamcenter.
By selecting each one of them you can see what is the deformed shape in the "jt Preview" or the "viewer" windows
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Function: TC_PORTAL
Ref: 002-8171547