NX Open unloaded parents for interpart data relations in NX

NX for Design



What will in the Load Interpart Data, Load Parents options,
- None
- Immediate Only
- All Levels
   in Assembly Load Options menu do for me?

PLEASE NOTE: If you use the Scope Option "Minimally Load", Load Interpart Data option is NOT available.


The explanation of Load Parents options in Load Interpart Data section of Assembly Load Options menu could be expanded, (including original NX documentation text), to the following:

Opens partially loaded parts with parent geometry, but no unloaded parts.
In the case that you have partially loaded an assembly containing WAVE linked geometry and the components belonging to that assembly are the parents of that WAVE linked geometry, setting "None" allows the necessary geometry in those parent components to be loaded into the session such as the linked geometry can update to the latest changes. Unloaded parts that do not belong to the assembly structure of assemblies loaded in the session remain unloaded. WAVE linked geometry, whose parent geometry belongs to parts outside of the assembly structure (and currently unloaded), will not update.

Immediate Only:
Loads immediate parents whether the part is currently partially loaded or unloaded. The parents are loaded enough to update interpart references, so the resulting loaded state of the parents may be minimally, partially, or fully loaded.
In the case that the parent geometry belongs to a component that is not loaded in the session, when opening a part or an assembly, "Immediate Only" will load that unloaded part, along with the geometry necessary to update the WAVE linked geometry from that part, into the session. "Immediate Only" will only go down one level in the case where a parent part also contains WAVE linked geometry.

All Levels:
Loads all parts with parent geometry for the currently opened parts, and continues to open parents until every linked body in every loaded part has all available parents opened. The parents are loaded enough to update interpart references, so the resulting loaded state of the parents may be minimally, partially, or fully loaded.
All Levels will load unloaded parts and the necessary geometry in the part to update all WAVE linked geometry at ALL levels throughout the entire assembly structure AND any parent parts that are loaded into the session. There should be no unloaded WAVE linked geometry in your session using this option.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V1899

Ref: 001-9736468

KB Article ID# PL8171041



Associated Components
