When 'Convert to Sheetmetal' is executed with 'Maintain Zero bend radius' ON, the sheet body's bend radius is 0.02mm. whereas when a flange is created with Zero bend radius, the sheet body's bend radius is 0.002mm. Why there is an inconsistency in the results?
This designed behaviour is there in the system for a longer time.
Flange deals with NX Sheetmetal only. Hence it is designed to create very smaller radius(0.002) bends.
In contra, Convert to Sheetmetal needs to deal with other CAD systems.
And many of them uses 0.01mm as default tolerance. Hence to make most of convert to sheetmetal cases to succeed, we needed to use at least twice of that tolerance(2 X 0.01= 0.02mm).
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NX_SHEET_METAL
Version: V1872
Ref: 002-8165777