New Customer default in NX1899 "Update Non-master Dataset Name for a new Revision";.
How the new Customer default "Update Non-master Dataset Name for a new Revision" works? ("UGMGR_ImportUpdateNonMasterDatasetForNewRevision")
UGMGR_ImportUpdatedNonMasterDatasetForNewRevison is Yes:
Base data: Imported Data: Notice that the revision of the imported drawing dataset has been updated as "G".
UGMGR_ImportUpdatedNonMasterDatasetForNewRevison is No: Imported Data: Notice that the revision of the imported drawing dataset is not updated, it is retained as "A" only.
Please note that the revision of the drawing dataset will only be updated, if the existing dataset name is matching with the below Teamcenter variable.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: NX Application: NXMANAGER Version: V1899 Function: CLONE_IMPORT