Routing attributes are Inconsistently reported within the PLMXML file.




Routing Attributes are Not Reported within the PLMXML File.


Logical data is all that is used within the PLMXML neutral file format.

Therefore, no devices and no connectors, but clips used to retain but are not part of the harness are included as they are "unique".If the attribute data needs to be included within PLMXML, then make sure it is listed within the Routing "Electrical Component Navigator". This is a tab on the Resource Bar under Assembly and Part Navigators and only within the Routing function.If a temporary or harness specific attribute needs to be included within PLMXML, then within the Electrical Component Navigator press MB3 (third mouse button) over the background and select "Properties". Then add a new column under the "Display Format" button. Add the attribute for each component within this new column. If a permanent attribute is required, then add it to the ".ptb" file used to assign the Routing "Place Part".

Reference default location for Metric .ptb files is: "C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 12.0\ROUTING\ugroute_elec\metric\tables"


KB Article ID# PL8017442



Associated Components