How to set the default font and borders for the Parts List




How to set default text and border settings for a Parts List.


The Parts List format (including text font, size, width, and color) are stored in the Parts List template file.
If a Parts List template file already exits, open this part file (*.prt) in NX and directly edit the Parts List as needed and re-save it.
If a Parts List template file does not already exist, a Parts List can be modified and formatted as needed.
Then with the mouse hovering over the Parts List, 'MouseButton3-->Save As Template'.

The Parts List template can be used by selecting the needed template from the 'Tables' palette tab on the Resource Bar. Or to have this new Parts List as the default, specify this new Parts List template as the default in Customer Defaults.
1. Select File-->Utilities-->Customer Defaults'.
2. Expand 'Drafting' and highlight 'General/Setup'.
3. Select the 'Standard' tab.
4. Select the 'Customize Standard' button.
5. Expand 'Table' and highlight 'Parts List'.
6. Select the 'Workflow' tab.
7. Enter the NX Parts List template part file to be used as the default.
8. Save the Drafting Standard.
9. OK Customer Defaults and re-start NX.

If an internal Parts List already exists in the NX part, and the default Parts List is needed from Customer Defaults, before NX is launched set the following system environment variable:
NOTE: If the Parts List from Customer Defaults is not being used, there may be an internal Parts List stored within the NX part file. The Part List format is stored once a Parts List is inserted into a file, and is retained even if it is subsequently deleted from the display. 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V11.0.2
Function: TABLES

Ref: 001-9704183

KB Article ID# PL8017237



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