Section View Line Letter Height




How to set the default height for the section line letter.


The Section Letter Height is taken from the Drafting Standard on creation. It is not a setting that can be changed on-the-fly in the Section View dialog. 

Change the height in the Drafting Standard and then re-load the Drafting Standard settings into the drawing.
Change the Section Letter Height in the Drafting Standard:
  1. Select 'File-->Utilities-->Customer Defaults'.
  2. [Important] Set the Units System (Metric or English) where this change is needed to take place.
    If the change is needed in both Metric AND English drawings, follow these steps twice (once for Metric and once for English).
  3. Expand 'Drafting' and highlight 'General/Setup'.
  4. Select the 'Standard' tab.
  5. Select the 'Customize Standard' button.
  6. While customizing the drafting standard, expand 'View' and highlight 'Section Line'.
  7. Select the 'Label' tab.
  8. Here the 'Character Size' is specified.
  9. Set the new Character Size and 'Save' the setting to the Drafting Standard.
  10. [Optional] Now repeat the steps 2-9 for the alternate Units System in Customer Defaults (Metric or English).
  11. OK Customer Defaults and re-start NX for the change to take effect.
Re-Load the Drafting Standard into the Drawing Template:
  1. Open the drawing template in the Drafting application.
  2. In the Menu, select 'Tools-->Drafting Standard'.
  3. Select the level and Standard where this modification took place and re-load it into the drawing template.
  4. Save the drawing template with the new settings using 'File--Save-->Save'.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V11.0.2

Ref: 001-9704176

KB Article ID# PL8017236



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