Retain Shaded Resolution in Realize Shape




How to Keep or Improve Shaded Body Display When Working in Realize Shape?


By default when working in the Realize Shape task environment, NX automatically reduces the display resolution on purpose to minimize the performance loss on low to medium graphics hardware base machines. Then when exiting the Realize Shape task environment, the display is automatically reset back to its original display resolution.

To prevent the display resolution from being lowered, select within the NX session:

'File -> Preferences -> Modeling -> Freeform (tab) -> Animation -> Review Resolution'.


Change the default setting from "Course" to "None".

You should also try setting it to, Standard through Ultra Fine, which each of these will increasingly become more accurate by reducing the size of the facets used for shading and because of the greater number of facets used will become increasingly more sluggish and less responsive due to all the additional facets assigned to the body(s) surfaces.

The only solution for improving performance is to use a Certified machine or Virtual Machine that has a more powerful GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) as all shading and movement done within NX is handled by the GPU.


KB Article ID# PL8017170



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