Data size doubles when saving




The problem where Data size doubles when saving has been investigated and the following has been found.


Faceting tolerances are too fine causing very dense facets. See visualization preferences faceting setting where refinement factor is set to 5. Higher factor means finer facets.

To reduce size:
1. Open View->Operation->Facet Settings dialog.
2. Change Refinement Factor to 1

3. Apply
4. In facet cache settings, enable "Delete Saved Display Facets" and execute "Regenerate Display Facets".

5. OK on dialog
6. Save

In this example the Part file size drops from 655 MB to 439 MB. 
It seems that part has many solids and different solids may have been displayed during various modeling operations. 

Display facets are saved for any solid that was ever displayed in the session.This is controlled by "Save Shaded Display Facets" toggle on the above dialog. 

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: na
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V1888

Ref: 002-8016872

KB Article ID# PL8016872



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