The site is changing cam programming processes and requires a Visual Basic journal that will cycle through all the operations in the current manufacturing setup and turn off the "output contact/tracking data" option on the More tab of noncutting moves.
The following script will cycle through all the operations, determining what kind they are, and apply this change to the noncutting moves if applicable.
' NX
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.CAM
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Module OutputTracking
Dim theSession As Session
Dim theUfSession As UFSession
Sub Main()
theSession = Session.GetSession()
theUfSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim WorkPart As Part = TheSession.Parts.Work
' If there is a work part only then we can go further
If WorkPart IsNot Nothing Then
If WorkPart.CAMSetup() IsNot Nothing Then
'If Cam Session is not initialized then we have to create a session
If theSession.IsCamSessionInitialized() = False Then
End If
ActOnOperations(WorkPart, WorkPart.CAMSetup())
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Sub ActOnOperations(ByVal thePart As Part, ByVal setup As CAM.CAMSetup)
Dim operationType As String
Dim operationBuilder As CAM.OperationBuilder
For Each operation As NXOpen.CAM.Operation In setup.CAMOperationCollection()
' Get the operation type
operationType = GetOperationType(operation)
If operationType IsNot Nothing Then
' create the proper operation builder
operationBuilder = GetOperationBuilder(thePart,operation,operationType)
If operationBuilder IsNot Nothing Then
'Set the output tracking flag to off
'Commit the change to the operation( this is the equivalent of OK'ing the operation dialog )
'Destroy the builder when its job is done(cleanup memory)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SetCutcomOutput(ByVal operationBuilder As CAM.OperationBuilder)
' Only handle Planar operations and Holemachining Operations.
If TypeOf operationBuilder Is CAM.PlanarOperationBuilder Then
Dim planarOperationBuilder As CAM.PlanarOperationBuilder = CType(operationBuilder, CAM.PlanarOperationBuilder)
planarOperationBuilder.NonCuttingBuilder.CutcomOutputContactPoint = False
Else If TypeOf operationBuilder Is CAM.HoleMachiningBuilder Then
Dim holeMachiningBuilder As CAM.HoleMachiningBuilder = CType(operationBuilder, CAM.HoleMachiningBuilder)
holeMachiningBuilder.NonCuttingBuilder.CutcomOutputContactPoint = False
End If
End Sub
'Function to get the operation type
Function GetOperationType(ByVal camObject As CAM.Operation) As String
Dim operationType As String = Nothing
If TypeOf camObject Is CAM.Engraving Then ' This is a Planar Engraving Operation
operationType = "Engraving"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.PlanarMilling Then ' This is a Planar Milling Operation
operationType = "Planar Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.CavityMilling Then ' This is a Cavity Milling Operation
operationType = "Cavity Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.FaceMilling Then ' This is a Face Milling Operation
operationType = "Face Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.ZLevelMilling Then ' This is a Z Level Milling Operation
operationType = "Z Level Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.VariableZLevelMilling Then ' This is a Variable Axis Z Level Milling Operation
operationType = "Variable Z Level Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.PlungeMilling Then ' This is a Plunge Milling Operation
operationType = "Plunge Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.FeatureMilling Then ' This is a Feature Milling Operation
operationType = "Feature Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.SurfaceContour Then ' This is a Fixed Axis Surface Contour Operation
operationType = "Surface Contour"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.HoleDrilling ' This is a Hole Drilling Operation
operationType = "Hole Drilling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.ThreadMilling ' This is a Thread Milling Operation
operationType = "Thread Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.HoleMaking ' This is a Hole Making Operation
operationType = "Hole Making"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.CylinderMilling ' This is a Cylinder Milling Operation
operationType = "Cylinder Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.ChamferMilling ' This is a Chamfer Milling Operation
operationType = "Chamfer Milling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.MillMachineControl ' This is a Mill Machine Control Operation
operationType = "Mill Machine Control"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.LatheMachineControl ' This is a Lathe Machine Control Operation
operationType = "Lathe machine Control"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.MillUserDefined ' This is a Mill User Defined Operation
operationType = "Mill User Defined"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.LatheUserDefined ' This is a Lathe User Defined Operation
operationType = "lathe User Defined"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.FinishTurning ' This is a Finish Turning Operation
operationType = "Turn Finishing"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.RoughTurning ' This is a Rough Turning Operation
operationType = "Turn Roughing"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.CenterlineDrillTurning ' This is a Centerline Drill Turning Operation
operationType = "Turn Centerline Drilling"
ElseIf TypeOf camObject Is CAM.ThreadTurning ' This is a Thread Turning Operation
operationType = "Turn Threading"
Dim operType As Integer
Dim operationSubtype As Integer
'Get the type and subtype of the operation
theUfSession.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(camObject.Tag, operType, operationSubtype)
If operationSubtype = 900 'Generic Motion Operation
operationType = "GMC"
ElseIf operationSubtype = 530 'Turn Teach Operation
operationType = "Turn Teach Mode"
End If
End If
Return operationType
End Function
'Function to get the operation builder
Function GetOperationBuilder(ByVal workPart As Part, ByVal camObject As CAM.Operation, ByVal operationType As String) As CAM.ParamBuilder
Dim operationBuilder As CAM.ParamBuilder = Nothing
If operationType = "Engraving"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateEngravingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Planar Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreatePlanarMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Cavity Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateCavityMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Face Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateFaceMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Z Level Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateZlevelMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Variable Z Level Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateVazlMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Plunge Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreatePlungeMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Feature Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateFeatureMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Surface Contour"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateSurfaceContourBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Hole Drilling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateHoleDrillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Thread Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateThreadMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Hole Making"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateHoleMakingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Cylinder Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateCylinderMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Chamfer Milling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateChamferMillingBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Mill Machine Control"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateMillMachineControlBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Lathe machine Control"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateLatheMachineControlBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Mill User Defined"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateMillUserDefinedBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "lathe User Defined"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateLatheUserDefinedBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Turn Finishing"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateFinishTurningBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Turn Roughing"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateRoughTurningBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Turn Centerline Drilling"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateCenterlineDrillTurningBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Turn Threading"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateThreadTurningBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "GMC"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateGmcopBuilder(camObject)
ElseIf operationType = "Turn Teach Mode"
operationBuilder = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.CreateTeachmodeTurningBuilder(camObject)
End If
Return operationBuilder
End Function
End Module
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V12.0.2
Ref: 002-8016844