Solid Edge
Solid Edge Standard Parts - Client cannot connect to SQL server
In a server/ client installation of Solid Edge Standard Parts the Configuration Wizard does not succeed. A message similar to 'Cannot connect to the database server localhost with specified login information', 'Server is probably down or login information is incorrect' or 'Could not open a connection to SQL Server' is provided instead.
There is a tool to test the connection from the client that is used to run Standard Parts Administrator to the SQL server.
Therefore, on the client create an empty text file on the desktop with the extension .UDL.
Right-Mouse-Click on the file and go to properties.
In the properties on tab 'Connection' type in servername, username, password and select a database.
Then click 'Test Connection'. If this is successful, you know that above given information is correct and the SQL connection is up and running.
Notes and References
This is a simple test of the SQL connection which does influence the usage of Solid Edge Standard Parts.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 10_1903 Product: SOLID_EDGE Application: APPLICATION Version: V220.0 Function: STANDARD_PARTS