How to check overall size of an assembly like height,length,width without using any PMI or measuring tools?
There is no direct option available in Solid Edge to measure overall Length X Width X Height of assembly. Whereas it can be measured using enclosure.
In the Assembly environment, creates a simplified representation of an assembly enclosing the selected assembly components within a solid body. Use the Enclosure command with the Model command.
Creating an enclosure:
The Enclosure command allows you to envelope the selected parts with either a rectangular or cylindrical solid to quickly create a simplified solid. More ordered features, such as cutout and rounds, can be used to refine the shape of the solid used to simplify the assembly.
User must include all parts one by one to be included in the enclosure and then measure overall dimensions of the enclosure.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 764
Application: ASSEMBLY
Version: V219.0
Function: SIMPLIFY
Ref: 002-8016615