Trying to mirror the component in assembly. But there is confusion with options with mirror and rotate.
How to decide if user need to rotate or mirror the instance while pattern command.
Hope the below explanation will help to understand difference between Mirror and Rotate operation.
Mirror operation: It will create a mirror image of the component/body you are duplicating. Copy/Paste will not do this mirroring operation. If your objects are symmetric, you can get away with a Copy/Paste. If you can, then definitely, you should avoid Mirror.
Mirror always creates a new object. Even for a component, Mirror creates a totally new component.
Rotate operation: A rotation doesn't change the shape, but it will change the position of parts of it, and the direction it faces. It's best to picture
rotation as rotation in place. Hence same symmetrical part with new "instance" of that component can be placed with rotating it along an axis.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1903
Version: V220.0
Function: FEATURES
Ref: 002-8016613