Nested Adjustable Assemblies not moving




Sometimes, if adjustable assemblies are placed inside another adjustable assembly, or are attached to adjustable assemblies (so that one adjustable assembly depends on another adjustable assembly), moving  components will not work.  Parts/subassemblies will just stay in place, or may move wildly.


Usually in those cases the first part (base part) in these adjustable assemblies show relationships to the base reference planes.  This is common usage for "normal" (i.e. not adjustable) assemblies, but will prevent recalculation of position.

There is advice on this subject in Solid Edge Help:

Forming Assembly Relationships for Adjustable Assemblies

To get predictable results when creating an Adjustable Assembly do not form relationships between parts and assembly-level coordinate systems, base or reference planes, or sketches. The first part in the assembly should be grounded. All subsequent assembly relationships should be formed between other parts in the assembly or the grounded part, and not to assembly-level coordinate systems, base or reference planes, or sketches.

So the solution is to remove (suppress) the relations to the base reference planes, and to just "ground" the base part of the assembly.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: AMD64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Application: ASSEMBLY
Function: ASSEMBLY

Ref: 002-8016208

KB Article ID# PL8016208



Associated Components