The sourced IPW is not as clear as desired.
- Open the primary part file.
- Go to the Manufacturing application.
- Select all the Tool Paths...
- MB3 on the tool paths and select Tool Path-->Delete.
- Go to Manufacturing Preferences-->Geometry-->In Process Workpiece Tolerances and set the medium needle count to 1000.
- Generate all the operations.
- Save and close the file.
- Open the secondary part file that uses the IPW - In Process Workpiece.
- Go to Manufacturing Preferences-->Geometry-->In Process Workpiece Tolerances and set the medium needle count to 1000.
- Go to the Operation Navigator.
- Edit the Workpiece.
- Edit the Blank Geometry.
- Update the Local IPW from Source.
The Source IPW resolution is improved...
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V1880
Ref: 002-8016162