NX Lines width issue with Export to pdf

NX for Design



Problem with lines width when we export from Drafting to PDF


for Export PDF and plotting, it's not WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), so what you see on the screen is not automatically what is going to be the output of the plot, nor PDF.
Each supported width setting (0.13 mm, 0.18 mm, 0.25 mm, etc.) is mapped to an output (displayed) width. Each form of output uses its own mapping.
1. The width mappings used by 'File -> Export -> PDF', 'File -> Export -> CGM', and 'File -> Plot' produce output widths in physical millimeters or inches.
2. The width mapping used in the graphics window produces output widths in screen pixels. (See the Width Scale setting on the Line tab of 'Preferences -> Visualization'.)
The user can control each mapping independently, but cannot designate that the mapping for one form of output should be used for another form of output.
############################## S O L U T I O N ###############################
I've tested with NX1888, when using "Custom Widths", the PDF is O.K.If you choose this option in the Export PDF dialog, then you can also click on the "Define Widths" icon to set each width independently if you like, else the width settings from the Customer Defaults are used.
In Customer Defaults-Gateway-PDF Export you can set the Custom Widths and also for Plotting.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1507
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V1888
Function: PDF

Ref: 001-9621637

KB Article ID# PL8016074



Associated Components
