When defining a head object as a tool parent in manufacturing, how can one determine the IJK vector values that reorient the tool axis?
One could use trigonometry functions to find these vector components. In this case, NX itself can be used to solve this geometry problem fairly simply. Sketch a line 1 inch long at the angle that matches the angle of the head. Dimension the X and Y axis distances from the start to the end of this line. Make sure to have the dimensions show the maximum number of decimal places to best accuracy.
Since the line drawn is 1 unit long, these directional values become the unit vector components for the head at that angle.
For example, the head in use angles the tool 20 degrees down from horizontal. The sketch looks like this:
The I vector component is the distance along X (0.939693) and the K vector component is the distance along Y (0.342020). The Head object would be defined in NX like this:
Any head angle can be resolved into the component vectors without doing any math using this method.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: na
OS: all
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V12.0.2
Function: TOOLS
Ref: 002-8015880