Output the Sequence N Number at every Operation with Format N<index>< tool number>
NX for Manufacturing
A sequence N number needs to be added to the G-code output of a Post Builder post. This N number would have a total of four characters and would be output at the beginning of every operation. The first two digits of the output would be an index number telling how many operations have previously used this tool. The last two digits would indicate the tool number. The picture below shows the desired output. What TCL code can be used for this?
Add the following Custom Command to the Start of Path proc. Be careful that the code looks like the picture below and that no line wraps to the next line.
### global mom_tool_number global mom_tool_index
if { ![info exists mom_tool_index($mom_tool_number)] } { set mom_tool_index($mom_tool_number) 1 } else { set mom_tool_index($mom_tool_number) [expr $mom_tool_index($mom_tool_number) + 1] }
Please be aware that any code provided by GTAC is intended to be used for sample purposes only. It is the user's responsibility to determine whether the code is suitable for the purpose.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all OS: n/a OS Version: n/a Product: NX Application: CAM Version: V1880 Function: POSTBUILDER