Customer faced a severe error when was loading some prt files.
Each prt file failed to open with this error message
File contains unexpected block of zero bytes, possible NFS corruption
But the external ug_inspect tool can't find any known corruption on the same files, is there any internal threshold or bug within this tool?
While ug_inspect did not detect these cases the problem did actually look like a network issue of some sort - just the block of zeroes is a bit smaller than what ug_inspect looks for, about 3.5kb rather than 4kb, this is the hard-coded threshold in the tool for it wasn't able to detect the internal corruption.
However such an error for zero bytes block usually make those part unrecoverable.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Ref: 002-8015502