When the value of Tc preference "TC_Allow_Longer_ID_Name" is set to false, if you export a part file with more than 32 characters with ug_clone, The characters after the 32nd character in the name of the part file are deleted.
1)Log in to the TC and set the value of the preference "TC_Allow_Longer_ID_Name" to false.
2)Create the following assembly in NX.
Number: TEST-MODELA-190807
Revision: A
3)Execute the following ug_clone and output the prt file.
%UGII_BASE_DIR%\nxbin\ug_clone.exe -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba -pim=yes -o=export -revision_rule="Latest Working" -fam=strip_status -default_naming=name_rule -n=rename:${DB_PART_NO}_${DB_PART_REV}_${DB_PART_NAME} -asse=@DB/TEST-MODELA-190807/A
4) The name is output is only 32 characters, and the characters after 32 are deleted.
If you set "TC_Allow_Longer_ID_Name" to True then you can export as more than 32 characters.
TC_Allow_Longer_ID_Name : Specifies a maximum for name and ID attributes.
true Allows a maximum size of 128 characters for name and ID attributes.
false Sets the maximum size for name and ID attributes at 32 characters
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V12.0.2
Ref: 002-8015398