Having FlexLM in use for managing Solid Edge licenses enables the customer to use an Options file, that was called selmd.opt in previous releases of Solid Edge.
While this File was available when installing the FlexLM License Server for Solid Edge, there is no Options file to be found, when installing the Siemens PLM License Server.
Can a customer use an Options file as before, if so has the syntax changed and what is now the name of the Options file?
Since the Common Licensing Tool uses FlexLM , of course there is still the possibilty to use an Options file.
The syntax for usage is the same as before Solid Edge 2020 Licensing, but the name of the Options file has changed.
The new Options File is called ugslmd.opt, according to the vendor demon now used.
You can copy the existing selmd.opt and rename it to ugslmd.opt , then move that file to the PLMLicenseServer Directory and you are done.
The next time the FlexLM Server is restarted, the Options file will be used.
NotesIf you have further inquiries about floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:
Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection